Saturday, April 7, 2007

Beauty #2

Little Miss
Nonchalant mistress of
redundant pleasures. Banter on...

Blonde is your best Side
bleach and your vodka fingernails.

Ask the dog named horse
how it felt
to have your gentle hand stroke
his pointy ears.

Little miss dillitante.
Like a blue bell gamine
Virginal fair-skinned legs,
Like stems of rare magenta lilies.

Lets stay in bed all day again,
get drunk,
I will watch as he tries
to cheat your grace, and runs
his clumsy arms along
your slender back.

I wish you would have persisted
but that's not
in your character now is it?

Tell me which way and
How does the bed rotate?

Glitter yourself up for another go.

We'll find a good doctor,
call it a night.

It will be a semi-sober, semi-sweet
anecdote to tell your friends when
You wake up,
the next morning.

But tell me,

If he's Beauty #1...

What are you?

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